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Mission and Vision




Film For Good Productions Ltd. is dedicated to producing meaningful and impactful films that engage and inspire audiences worldwide. Our mission is to create films that address important social issues, provoke thought, and promote positive change in society.

Vision: Our vision is to be recognized as a leading film production company that consistently delivers high-quality films with a purpose. We strive to be a catalyst for social transformation and a source of inspiration for individuals to take action and make a difference in the world.




The film industry is saturated with movies that prioritize entertainment value over meaningful content. There is a lack of films that tackle important social issues and inspire audiences to think critically and reflect on the world around them. Many filmmakers struggle with gaining proper distribution for their films, resulting in limited exposure and impact.




Film For Good Productions Ltd. aims to bridge this gap by producing films that not only entertain but also address significant social issues. We recognize the power of storytelling and believe that films have the ability to inspire change and create a positive impact on society. With our strong distribution network, we can ensure that our films reach a wide audience, maximizing their potential for making a difference.


Unique Selling Proposition:


Film For Good Productions Ltd. differentiates itself from other film production companies by placing a strong emphasis on the meaningfulness and societal impact of our films. Our meticulous film business plan ensures that every aspect of production, distribution, and marketing is carefully strategized to ensure maximum exposure and engagement. By focusing on producing films with a purpose, we tap into an underserved market and attract audiences who are seeking thought-provoking and inspiring content. Our commitment to quality and social change sets us apart and positions us as a reliable source for impactful films.


What Do Our Movies Focus On?


1. What thoughts do our films spur in you? What do they make you think about?


2. What are your emotional responses to our movies?


3. How do our films make you feel?


4. What moments, character or ideas resonated with you  whilst watching these films? What about them? Why did you connect with them?


5. What themes are present in our films?


6. What are our films saying about our world?


7. Why might someone want to watch our films?


8. What is one good or winsome thing you would say about each of our films to someone else?


9. What do our films have to say about the big story we are in?


"Faith and Patience, never give up." - Film Director John 

"Meticulous Planning of a Feature Film Production saves a lot of time, money and energy down the road." - Film Director John 

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